She gained about 4 oz from her previous appointment (however, this time they weighed her with her clothes on), but our pediatrician agreed that it was time to remove the tube because she has not lost weight.
Here she is showing off her tube one last time!
And Dr. Borman-Shoap removing the saline from the Mic-key button...
Ta-da! Just a teeny tiny hole that is already closed up. Charlotte was pretty mellow throughout this process while Patrick and I were elated. Once the initial excitement wore off I was surprised to find that I felt a little sad. Her tube was a part of her and it's hard to let go of something that we considered special about her (I might be insane, right?!?!). This morning she broke my heart when she was touching her healing scar and said she wanted her tube back. Obviously this is a great step for her future, and we're all excited. It is a transition, though, and one we welcome.
She will be 3 on August 10, but her 3-year well-child appointment stats are:
Weight: 24lbs 12oz (3rd percentile)
Height: 35.75" (6th percentile)
We met a little girl at a b-day party on Friday who is 16 months and already wearing 3T clothes. She's in the 99th percentile for her weight. It was fun to see the spectrum and hard to imagine Charlotte outgrowing her 2T clothes. Her waist is tiny, but she does keep growing taller. I noticed yesterday that one of her dresses was getting scandalously short. :)
Speaking of yesterday, we had a great day with Grandma and Grandpa Distad. We traveled down south to check out the Olmsted County Fair and just visit.
Grandma Distad has flowers as big as Charlotte's head! I love love love this photo.
Charlotte pet a newborn piglet and duckling, saw a baby chick hatching, and also saw a very newly born calf.
Thanks to Grandpa Distad she also discovered a love of mini-donuts. I think she ate 5-6 of them!
She enjoyed her first corn-on-the-cob at lunch and dinner yesterday! Here she is trying to pose with her corn (and wondering why her mother thinks mealtime is a photo op).
Charlotte is a toddler, which means she can be described as independent, free-willed, impatient, and easily frustrated. She is also incredibly sweet. As we were leaving Grandma and Grandpa's last night Charlotte said "Goodbye Grandma and Grandpa! Thank you for sharing your home with us!" - so, so adorable and unprompted.
Charlotte is a toddler, which means she can be described as independent, free-willed, impatient, and easily frustrated. She is also incredibly sweet. As we were leaving Grandma and Grandpa's last night Charlotte said "Goodbye Grandma and Grandpa! Thank you for sharing your home with us!" - so, so adorable and unprompted.