Sunday, August 17, 2014

5 Years Old!

Transition is the word of the month. Charlotte's last day of preschool was August 8th, and her last-day celebration included hugs or high fives from all of her preschool friends. This may have been a sad experience, except that Charlotte had invited all of them to her 5th birthday party on the 10th.

We started the day with pancakes and gifts from mom and dad.

We then measured Charlotte's growth. She grew about 4 inches this year and now stands at 42 inches. At her Well Child visit her pediatrician confirmed she has certainly sprouted. Last year her height was in the 24th percentile and this year she is in the 48th percentile for her age! Her overall BMI is in the 11th percentile, which I'm sure is because all her growing has been vertical.

Charlotte's birthday celebration was at Hyland Park in Bloomington. It was busy and fun and only a bit chaotic!

Charlotte got a super hero cape for her birthday, and she had to break it out at the playground.

Here she comes, to save the day!

Fortunately, all of Charlotte's grandparents were able to come over to our house after the park party! Here she is with Grandma and Grandpa Russell (and,birthday Elmo, of course).

She loves dramatic play, so here she is wearing some of her play clothes with Grandma and Grandpa Distad.

Frozen was the birthday gift theme this year, and she loved it!

Last week she spent her mornings at Camp Kindergarten and she has 3 more weeks of day camp and time with Grandmas and Grandpas before kindergarten begins! 



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