We gave Charlotte a chance to eat without the feeding tube today (tubeless face picture above), but she continues to be indifferent to eating.
We also tried a different bottle nipple with similar results.
Feeding is the final piece of the puzzle and it is proving to be the most difficult.
Also she
does not like having the feeding tube put back in.
5 comments on "November 2, 2009"
The family is looking good on 11/2/09/
Love, Leona K
Hang in there... she'll get it! What about the apneas? Has she had any?
Melissa and Sherri gave me a site with this cool information on premature babies, musical pacifiers.
Search Google--If music be the food for premature babies, play on
There are several things to look at. Oh for the people who are involved in Charlotte and searching and the internet.
Good Luck. Leona Krieg
Lookin' good Russell family - Lookin' good!
Love you all! Marissa
I have to totally agree with Marissa - what an awesome looking family! She is getting there - you aren't even to her due date yet - patience - God is with you!
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