Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

It was a pretty nondescript day around here but, after yesterday, nondescript is welcome.

Charlotte's vitals have improved since going on the oscillator. Her supplemental O2 was down to 30% when we left this evening. As with everything else, how long she remains on the oscillator depends on her progress.

As hard as it is to watch her shake on the oscillator, it is somewhat reassuring to know that it is actually easier on her.

It also turns out we're fortunate that Marquette General has this machine at all. They've only had it for a couple years and previously she would have been transferred to Ann Arbor or Milwaukee.

She has been on a sedative for a few days now. That has reduced her level of activity quite a bit, but today we got to see her open her eyes for a short time.

Right now the focus is on bothering her as little as possible. When they reposition her, take blood, or any other disruption it really irritates her and it takes a bit for her to settle back down. So they make every effort to do everything in one shot in order to limit the disturbances.

Bacteria and viral cultures should be back next week.

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