Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

Patrick returned to Milwaukee this evening and thinks Charlotte's head looks much bigger, a good sign.

We didn't try any bottles today, but the lactation nurse helped me try nursing twice. I wouldn't say we were overwhelmingly successful, but it went ok. All will come in time.

Charlotte did get a different bed. She's now residing in the pictured isolette. They reserve this isolette for babies who still need some heat control but who are more stable and can move in and out as it does not have the fancy raisable roof with radiating heat.

3 comments on "October 1, 2009"

Anonymous said...

HI Again,

In the new isolette Charlotte looks bigger. A good thing.
Weather in Duluth the wind a howling.

Take care Russell family and thanks for posting so faithfully.
We are watching Charlotte's growth.

Love, Leona Krieg

Heidi Watne said...

This is so cool - another positive step!! Who is she starting to look like? :)

Unknown on October 2, 2009 at 6:50 PM said...

Hi Katie,

This is Martha from the MGH NICU. I was sorry to hear that Charlotte was transferred to Milwaukee, that must have been very scary for you. I am thrilled she is doing so well. I will keep updated reading the care pages. Take care.



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