Monday, September 7, 2009

September 7, 2009

Charlotte kicked off the week by kicking the Nitric Oxide. Her weight dropped 30 grams from yesterday's 2 lbs 5.5 oz, but the nurse attributed that to the regular stools she has begun making.

Another good day. Her feedings increased to 7 mls every 3 hours (I learned today there are 30 mls in an ounce). This afternoon brought her best blood/gas yet allowing the doctors to reduce the number of times per minute the ventilator breathes for her from 25 times to 20. As long as she does well tonight, she should be off the ventilator tomorrow and back onto the CPAP.

While a move to the CPAP doesn't mean we're done with the ventilator for good (which we know all to well), today's nurse felt pretty confident that she'll do very well on the CPAP. I hope she's correct!

Interesting tid bit of the day: breast milk from mothers of premies carries antibodies and special nutrients for the first month. Since Charlotte wasn't eating until this week Patrick had brought a cooler full of milk from Marquette to Houghton for storage, but now the lactation nurse in Milwaukee requested he bring it here because it's all from the first month. What a great dad, transporting milk all over Michigan and Wisconsin to feed his baby girl. :)

6 comments on "September 7, 2009"

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear things are starting to go smoothly again or at least as smoothly as they can for now. Love you all! Russy ;)

Diane W on September 8, 2009 at 12:50 AM said...

It's exciting for us to read good news for Charlotte so I can't imagine how terrific it must be for her parents and family!! Keeping lots of good thoughts and prayers flowing from here with the faith the results are headed for Milwaukee. :-)

Unknown on September 8, 2009 at 9:47 AM said...

That's great news. Hopefully things keep going well in Wisconsin!

Lindsey Pratt

Midwest Typo on September 8, 2009 at 11:25 AM said...

Looks like you're heading back into those good days again :) Way to go Milk Man!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, hope this is the last blog site you have to create for a long time! Thanks for sharing the positive updates! Patrick is starting school again too! YOwsers! I may be able to visit this coming weekend, have class in ol Milwaukee, we'll be in touch! HAVE A good afternoon Charlotte and family! Love Kelly and Marty

Karen N. said...

Katie and Pat,

Thanks for the updates. Keep up the good work Charlotte! I guess that is why breast milk is called "liquid gold" in those early days. I would say what a Dad and Mom Charlotte has, keep up the good work!
Love, Karen



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